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Welcome Students!

     I look forward to working with you this semester and growing and learning together! I am always available for help if you have any questions this semester, never hesitate, feel free to drop a line through the "Contact" area of this website. The following are some books that I really enjoy and that I encourage you to enjoy. Personally, I'm a big fan of the dystopian genre of literature. According to John Joseph Adams,

"In a dystopian story, society itself is typically the antagonist; it is society that is actively working against the protagonist’s aims and desires. This oppression frequently is enacted by a totalitarian or authoritarian government, resulting in the loss of civil liberties and untenable living conditions, caused by any number of circumstances, such as world overpopulation, laws controlling a person’s sexual or reproductive freedom, and living under constant surveillance" (Adams, 2011). 

As you read these books I want you to consider our own society in which we live. What connections and parellels can you draw from the fictional environment to our own? Question the constraints of our society just as the characters do in their world. Be aware and learn from the struggles of these characters and allow them to influence your critical thinking and awarenss so that our society doesn't slip into the dystopic reality you read about. Not all of these suggestions are of the aformentioned genre, some of my favorite poets and short stories are tossed in as well as some funny and touching suggestions. Feel free to use this list as material for projects throughout the semester. Jump in and enjoy the fantastic new worlds that await you!


For more on Dystopian Literature, description, themes, and character break down click here:


Simply click on the book cover image and it will direct you to a link with a description of the book!



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